Today I’m delighted to announce Pedometer++ 3.0. I’ve been steadily working on Pedometer++ now for nearly four years. Over that time the core conceit of the app has remained the same, to motivate you to be more active. It has done this with colors, confetti, complications and streaks. Now I’ve added another tool to hopefully motivate, achievements!

You can now earn badges within the app for the reaching certain milestones. These include:
- The biggest number of steps you have taken in a day
- The longest streaks you have been able to reach
- Your lifetime steps taken
- Your lifetime floors climbed
- Special badges for meeting certain criteria

I hope to add several more of these categories over time based on the feedback this initial set receives.
The sweet artwork for the badges was done by excellent Louie and Alexa over at Parakeet.

With iOS 11 just around the corner there is increasingly an emphasis on the use of widgets in iOS. So this update also updates the widget Pedometer++ provides to be more capable by adding a daily detail view of your steps each day.