Getting Started with WatchKit

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I’ve spent the afternoon getting up to speed on WatchKit. It seems to be working pretty well so far so I figured I’d share my process here.

The three most important things to make sure you see are:

  • Overview video - Available towards the bottom of the WatchKit landing page. It feels like you’re sitting in the Presidio at WWDC. Start here.
  • Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines - You can’t build for a platform you don’t understand. Here is Apple’s thesis on how an Apple Watch app should look and function.
  • WatchKit Programming Guide - Now that you understand what an Apple Watch app does, this outlines how you’d actually build it.

Once you’ve gotten through these three references then download Xcode 6.2 Beta and get started coding. Nothing teaches you a new framework better than actually building something.

Keep an eye on the Dev Forums it looks like the Developer Evangelists are active there answering questions about the platform.

David Smith